Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you offer free trial classes?
A: No, we don't offer free trial classes. We don't accept “walk-in” or “drop-in” visitors! Our policy is firm, and it is based on years of experience as to what is the best way to retain students. So, we find the best way for interested students is to contact us and schedule a date to come observe one of our classes, at which time they are free to ask any questions you may have. We don’t use contracts at Metro Orlando Judo Kai, you simply pay month by month. So, there is no “financial penalty” should you decide to discontinue training with us. Our goal is to give you an honest view of our Judo club, about Judo, and we hope to help you find out if Judo is for you, and if our club is the right fit for you. We really hope you will want to find out more about us, and to join us, however, we respectfully ask that you contact us to make an appointment to come observe one of our classes.
Q: What if I have a medical issue or health problem, can I still enroll in your Judo class?
A: We strongly encourage any perspective student who has a serious medical condition, or a physical limitation, to contact your physician and ask whether or not they feel Judo is appropriate and safe for you. We are not physicians, so medical matters should be handled by medical professionals. Please always consult a physician!
Q: What do I need to do to enroll in class and start training?
1) you will need to discuss joining with the class instructor and get his approval to join
2) you will need to read and sign a liability waiver, and then read and sign a copy of the class rules, policies, and procedures, acknowledging that you understand and will abide by those rules and policies during training and on the club premises
3) you will need to pay for your first month ($75/month, credit card and cash payments only)
4) you will need to purchase a 1 year membership in one of the national Judo Federations ( USA Judo is $100/year, and USJF is $70/year). The instructor will help you with this
5) you will need to purchase a Judo Gi ( uniform). It must be a Judo gi ( not a Karate gi, bjj gi, or anything else), and it can be either white or blue...single weave is best for Florida. Again, the instructor can help you with obtaining a gi ( usually the price will be around $70, without shipping costs).
Q: When can I get a black belt?
A: That depends on you! Promotion in Judo is based on time in grade, demonstration of understanding of techniques, in some cases competition record, & character and attitude in class, and contributions to the class. While a black belt is a worthy goal, the real benefit of Judo training goes far beyond just getting a black belt. Learn to focus on, and enjoy, training, and the rest will take care of itself!
Q: Do I have to participate in Judo tournaments and competitions?
A: No, competition is not a requirement. Advancement in rank usually occurs faster for students who actively compete, but non competitors can still advance and get promoted in Judo. Judo is more than a sport ( physical education, personal enrichment, self defense, etc), so if the sport aspect of Judo doesn't interest you, don't worry, you have a place with us. But if you do like to compete and enjoy the competition aspect of Judo, you will find that our students have competed at the local, state, national, and even international level. We host, and we attend, competition training camps. If you are a competitor, we have a space for you!